My Theory behind the #Biggerheads

NB__ MY view for the Biggerheads does not refer to a biologically large headed individual(s), but only to the height of brains in their skulls (Intelligence).

By Tinotenda Samukange

#Biggerhead__A conceptual ability involved in reasoning, perceiving relationships and analogies, calculating, learning quickly etc. Earlier it was believed that there was one underlying general factor at the intelligence base, but later psychologists maintained that it is more complicated and could not be determined by such a simplistic method.

Inherited Biggerhead
_ It is generally accepted that a biggerhead is inherited but can also be related to the environment. While studies showed that heredity is an important factor in determining such a wide reasoning; it was also suggested that environment is a critical factor in determining the extent of its expression. An investigation done recently revealed that 70 percent of the differences in the twins’ I.Q. scores were attributable to inherited traits. (Brain Metrix)

Highly bigger-headed Society: usually refers to a community where people with higher I.Q/ geniuses meet and exchange their ideas for the benefit of humanity, and to encourage the uses of intelligence. Usually a certain I.Q score should be obtained to join one of those societies.
(This therefore takes us to the social media networks where a variety of biggerheads are put to test; the main goal we try to achieve is a better understanding and a viable public sphere that can drive the issue of Democracy forward)

How can we attain this “Biggerhead”?

There are certainly ways to achieve this biggerhead, also called smallhead amplification/ enhancing, by practicing many proven cognitive tools such as problem-solving heuristics, creativity techniques and decision-making gears. An upsurge of the ‘head’ level can only result in a better life, and standard of living.

Below are some small head boosters:

Deep thinking: in life it’s not enough to just react to events, and situations, rather we should have a conscious objective and select our actions to get nearer our objective. Also it’s important to think about consequences of our actions, to minimize the possibilities of errors and regret. Deep thinking would normally help you live better, and reach your goals.

Good reasoning: it is the key to success, especially if performed consciously and in the proper order:

1) Have an objective,
2) make a general sensing about it,
3) determine your decision based on your sensing,
4) Make alternate plans (along the main objective),
5) Select the best response/ plan.

Some Definitions closely related to natural Biggerheads:

Gifted : used to describe individuals having great natural ability or talent, usually the equivalent of “intelligent”, this term is used often with children ”a gifted child”, also other possible equivalent words are “smart”, “nerd”, “brainy”, “genius”…etc.

Giftedness: is an intellectual ability significantly higher than average. The fact of having a mind ahead of the physical growth, and could be simply the equivalent of “intelligence”.

Creativity: mental process of generating new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts.

: also called mega-brain is used as a term to refer to machines or individuals who can perform/ process complicated tasks in a relatively faster speed.


It is said that “command responsibility is an omission mode of individual criminal liability: the superior is responsible for crimes committed by his subordinates and for failing to prevent or punish (such crimes)”.

A superior is culpable for “personal dereliction” or “where his failure to properly supervise his subordinates constitutes criminal negligence on his part.”

The #Bigger_head Principle in ZimElections13)

For so many days, Zimbabweans pondered, asking themselves which candidate has what it takes to be president, or at least which one has what it takes to win the election. The answer to this question was just far-reaching.

Based on my personal observation, I think I may know….

…If you think about it, we are often drawn to #bigger-headed characters, dramas and soapies. (Mukadota, Paraffin, Gringo, Mickey Mouse, Lion King and Crime and Investigations etc.) What is it about #bigger-heads that makes us want to watch them? Perhaps its logic and reason that purports “Inductive Reasoning”

Inductive reasoning
is observing a set of characteristics based on a premise of broad generalizations and statistical analysis which leads to the development of a hypothesis__Biggerheads

In any case, #Biggerheads is clearly an important factor in politics, a factor we can use to divine a hidden law of African politics – the candidate with the Biggerhead, usually wins. Call it the Bigger-head Principle.

Before the just past 31July Zimbabwe Election, I had so many questions in my relatively “Biggerhead”… the most difficult question was….Which candidate has the “biggerhead” in this election?

The Conservatives by a Biggerhead

2008__A fragmented country gives another term and a bit more strength to Stephen Harper’s minimalist government

Male politicians have '#Biggerheads' in more gender-equal cultures

Los Angeles, CA (October 17, 2012)-When it comes to analyzing gender stereotypes in the media, studies have shown that photographs of men focus on male faces while photographs of women are more focused on women's bodies. A recent study from Psychology of Women Quarterly, a SAGE journal, finds that this type of "face-ism" is even more extreme in cultures with less educational, professional, and political gender discrimination.

"Being in a relatively egalitarian cultural context does not shield politicians from this face-ism bias; in fact, it exacerbates it," wrote study authors Sara Konrath and Josephine Au.

The researchers examined the differences in face-ism by measuring the facial prominence of over 6, 500 male and female political figures in photographs from more than 25 different cultures. Facial prominence was determined by measuring the length of the head in a photograph (from the chin to the top of the head) and comparing it to the length of the body shown in the photograph. The researchers then analyzed these face/body ratios by culture and found that women's bodies were more prominent in photographs from cultures in which women have more educational, professional, and political opportunities.

The authors wrote, "Understanding this double-bind is fundamental to understanding how societal pressures might shape the visual depictions of male and female leaders online, whether political or otherwise."

The authors claimed that stereotypes associated with each gender are more divergent in richer and more institutionally gender-equal cultures overall, and that these photographs are simply a visual representation of a deeply-ingrained, cultural concept. "The face-ism bias is likely due to unconscious influences, so simply making politicians and their support staff aware of this bias and its negative implications for female politicians could reduce this bias."(Psychology of Women Quarterly 0361684312455317, first published on August 8, 2012)

What others think about __ BIGGERHEADS

“Yes definitely. That’s why my IQ is only 118 because I have a very tiny head. My sister has the same head size and IQ even though she is ESFJ. That’s why i think MBTI has nothing to do with IQ. Biggerhead is a large factor. And from what I’ve observed I’ve objectively found all the people in lower difficulty classes and people who scored low on the sat had “small heads“around my size. The people who were national merit semifinalists had #Biggerheads or at least #Biggerhead relative to their body size.” Personality CafĂ©

Is it possible for our future generations to be born with bigger heads and shorter limbs?

The theory of evolution says that organs which are not in much use become vestigial. As we today use more of our brains and less of our limbs (like sitting in front of computer all day long), is it possible that our future generations will be born with a bigger head and sorter limbs? Why___Why not?

“Perhaps the explanation is that babies have disproportionately #Biggerheads, and we are genetically programmed to like babies. Or perhaps #Biggerheads can better show sympathetic emotion”

Male Crickets with Bigger Heads Are Better Fighters, Study Reveals, Echoing Ancient Chinese Text

Jan. 7, 2009 — Observing and betting on cricket fights has been part of Chinese cultural tradition since at least the Sung Dynasty (A.D. 960-1278). This ancient practice has resulted in quite a detailed list of characteristics that Chinese practitioners think make for champion fighters. "Because money was involved, there was a strong incentive for the practitioners of this sport to observe their cricket fighters closely," says Kevin Judge, a biology postdoctoral researcher at University of Toronto Mississauga. (Science Daily)
